Learn C++ Programming in Urdu/Hindi part 1 ( Introduction to C++)

History of C++

·         Many new programming languages appeared during the 1960s. The computers at that time were still in early stage of development.
·         The language ALGOL 60 was developed as an alternate to FORTRAN.
·         The language CPL (Combined Programming language) was developed in 1963.But it was very difficult to learn.
·         Martin Richards developed BCPL (Basic Combined Programming Language) in 1967 that was simplification of CPL.
·         Ken Thompson created the B language in 1970. C language was derived from B language. The B language provided the basis for the development of C. C language originally designed to write system program under UNIX operating system.
·         The earlier version of C was K&R (Kernighan and Ritchie) C. The American National Standard Institute (ANSI) developed a standard version of C language. The standard version is known as ANSI C.
·         Bjarne Stroustrup form the Bell labs started the development of C++ language in 1980. It was originally named “C with Classes”. It was an enhancement to  C language. It allows the use of programming technique known as Object Oriented Programming (OOP).
·         C++ language was refined during 1980s and it became a unique language.

Basic Structure of C++ Program

                The Format of Writing C++ Program in C++ is called its structure. It consist of the following parts:
·         Preprocessor directive
·         Main() function
·         Program body (C++ statements)

Preprocessor Directive

Preprocessor directive is an instruction given to the compiler before the execution actual program.
It is part of C++ compiler. It modifies C++ source program before compilation.
The semi-colon (;) is not used at the end of preprocessor dirctives.
Preprocessor directives starts with hash symbol #. These directive are written at eh start of the program.

Include Preprocessor

                 Include preprocessor directive is used to include header files in the program.


                #include <iostream.h>

The above statement tells the commpliler to include  the file iostream.h in source program before compiling it.

Header Files

                Header files are collection of standard library functions to perform different tasks. There are many header files for different purposes. Each header files contains different types of predefined functions.
                The extension of a header files is .h. The include preprocessor directive is used to include header files in programs. These files are provided by C++ compiler system.


The name of header file coan also ve used in double quotes as follows:


                The word “iostream” stands for input/output stream. This header file contains the definitions of built-in-input and output functions and objects.

C++ Statements

                The statements of the program are written in curly braces. The curly brace { is called opening brace and } is called closing brace. The brace are also known as delimiters. These statements are collectively known as the body of a program. Each statement in C++ language is terminated by semicolon.

                A statement in C++ language is an instruction for the compiler to perform a task. Compiler performs these instructions one by one in the same sequence in which these instructions are written.

C++ Video Tutorials in Urdu

Lecture 1 Introduction to C++ Part 1 in Urdu/Hindi

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C++ Books Links

Learn C++ in Urdu Pdf Book Free download

Object Oriented Programming in C++ Pdf Book Free download

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